Paul Nielsen's
British Wild Orchid Gallery
Welcome to my pages devoted to British wild orchids. I am a keen amateur naturalist who is constantly amazed
at the variety, abundance and sheer beauty of the wildlife to be found in the British Isles. These pages aim to show just some of this cornucopia
and I hope that the content proves to be of interest and encourages others to take an interest in our countryside.
Wild Orchid Gallery
How It Was Done
Contacts / Links
About Me!

Wild Orchid Gallery
Most images can be clicked on to bring up a larger rendition.
Wild orchids
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How It Was Done
All the wildlife related images on these pages are mine (except where credited) and have been derived from 35mm transparencies and digital photographs.
Images on these pages may not be used for any commercial purpose without my express permission.
The transparencies were taken with a Minolta X-700 with a 90mm macro lens and a 28 - 200mm telephoto lens and a Canon EOS30 complete with Canon 100mm macro lens and 28-105mm lens and ring flash.
The digital images were taken with a Canon EOS300D using the Canon lenses above.
This set-up is complemented by a Benbo tripod that allows complete flexibility in positioning.
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Contacts / Links
Green Cafe - nature, the environment and music (amongst other things) plus an extensive links page to other nature photographers.
Friends of the Earth - environmental issues with a novel "find your local nature reserve facility" (Britain only).
The Wildlife Trusts - an umbrella organisation representing the 47 county wildlife trusts. Check out your local trust for details of nature reserves, events etc.
The UK Hardy Orchid Society - for those fascinated by wild orchids,
like to grow them or like to photograph them.
David Brear's "Wharfe" Wild Flower Pages - a very good compendium
of wild flower resources, reviews, latest news and an interactive "where to find wild flowers" guide.
The Countrylovers Pages - aims to "connect people with
Britain's countryside". All things related to the countryside - from wildlife through to business and commercial concerns.
Beryl's Free Photographs - photographs of wildlife and more!
The Wild Flower Society - a UK society that promotes the recognition and recording of flowers in the wild.
Closeshots - as the name suggests, this site specialises in close-ups of flowers and other natural objects. Option to buy prints of your favourite images.
Natural Developments - focus on photography of the world's fauna through the eyes of a wildlife biologist.
Natural Break - Nigel Kendall's huge site featuring birding, flowers and butterflies. Nicely thematically arranged and regularly updated.
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About Me!
I am a Customer Manager (Professional Services Manager and Programme Manager hybrid) for WorkPlace Systems plc,
a leading provider of workforce management solutions.
I am a software/electronics engineer by background.
I have been interested in British wildlife since an early age and belong to a number of wildlife organisations -
BBOWT (Berkshire, Buckinghamshire and Oxfordshire
Wildlife Trust), the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) and
You can email me at Please remove the "nospam" from the begining of the address - it is to try to reduce the unsolicited mail that I receive. Thanks!
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Last revised: June 09th 2009
Home page:
EMail: (remove the "nospam" part before emailing me)
Copyright Paul Nielsen 1997-2009
Search text: nature photographs orchids helleborines wild flowers botany